Presentation slides

Slides by Nerice Gietel_Burden of care - family matters that matter to business_6May2021_WiFA.png

Burden of Care. Family matters that matter to business

The aim of this 60-minute interactive virtual workshop is to broaden the perspective on family and caring responsibilities in the East Asian context.

In order to achieve this I will: 

  • Present data on the factors that affect the burden of care on individuals in different East Asian societies

  • Provide information on how an increase in BOC might show up at work and how it might affect others in the workplace

Together we will: 

  • Identify which parties in the workplace have a role to play when it comes to minimising the negative consequences of an increase of BOC on individuals at work

  • Identify what these individuals can do to minimise the negative consequences of an increase of BOC on those individual

Who it is for: HR Managers and Senior Managers

Mode: Interactive virtual workshop