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From Bonnie Ohri
After many years of endless research, boundless investments, and countless initiatives, women have yet to attain top business leadership roles. Less than 10% of CEOs in the world are females, so we need to ask ourselves what can we and our male allies do to promote more opportunities for female leaders? What are the major concerns that keep females from remaining in the workforce? More importantly, what are the credible solutions? WiFA is committed to empower women to achieve their full professional potential by inspiring both women and men to become advocates, change makers, and leaders in our community. We equip our members with resources, opportunities, and a global platform that facilitates networking, learning, and sharing of experiences. To further that commitment, we partnered with Ladies Who Tech (LWT) to hold a virtual event on how to improve interviewer skills to provide women guidance so they are prepared to actively hire for their organizations when recruiting for new openings (link in article below). This is especially relevant for women working in the STEM fields. In another partnership, WiFA is collaborating with the Asia Society to steer a conversation regarding “Womenomics” next month. This concept was introduced in the Japanese government several years ago by Kathy Matsui, former vice chair and chief Japan strategist for Goldman Sachs. The idea is to increase the female workforce participation rate through diversity-promoting policies within the government and corporations. For over 2 decades,Matsui steered the research that ignited the national dialogue with the Japanese government on changing policies for women in the workforce – a conversation that is still ongoing today. To enhance female representation at all levels, the government encourages the advancement of women at work to address the shrinking workforce, while corporations promote more family-friendly policies. During this event leading experts will discuss the benefits of diversity, why we should support women entrepreneurs, and how women are the next frontier in terms of business opportunities. We will also discuss what our male allies can do to help empower women and Womenomics.Please join this informative event hosted by the Asia Society (link in article below).
WiFA remains committed to fostering the advancement of women and men in the workforce on a global platform. We look forward to further partnerships! |
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| WiFA’s signature fitness challenge in support of RUN is off and running!
The support and drive behind this event would not have been possible without our many dedicated colleagues from both organizations. We have 58 teams from diverse organizations competing in this challenge. It is the most RUN have ever had from their previous corporate challenges so our number speaks volumes. It is through RUN’s programmes and joint fundraising efforts that drive their cause further forward. As an association committed to be change makers and leaders in the community, WiFA views this as an opportunity to facilitate funds raised through togetherness and sharing of experiences. If you feel you cannot join us at this time, you can still contribute (at the above link) to the fundraising effort by supporting your team(s).
Let's support our teams for this worthy cause. See you at the finish line! |
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| Ladies Who Tech (LWT) and WiFA are partnering together to hold a virtual event on how to improve interviewer skills. A panel of female interviewers will share their stories and tips on how to be a successful interviewer. Experts from different career paths will provide guidance to women on how to actively become interviewers for their teams when they recruit for new openings. The panelists’ interviewing experiences include hiring for the tech and finance industries as well as the public sector. Panelists Bonnie So, COO Enterprise Technology and Services, Morgan Stanley and WiFA Co-Chair Bonnie Ohri, Government Consultant and WiFA Board Member Linhua Li, Data Science Manager, Twitter Rong Yu, Tech Lead, Indeed
Event Details When: Saturday, September 18 Time:10am -11:30am Format: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86434366858?pwd=QnBCVWw1a3c3a2M3SWVPaDZiVG90dz09 |
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| WiFA and the Asia Society are partnering together to hold a virtual event to address the topic of Womenomics. The concept of “Womenomics”, introduced in the Japanese government eight years ago, aims to increase the female workforce participation rate through diversity-promoting policies within the government and corporations. The panelists will discuss the concept as well provide suggestions on how to promote female leadership.
Panelists Adrian Warr, CEO, Hong Kong & Taiwan, & Market growth Thailand, Edelman Lena Wong, Founder and Executive Director, Mumtrepreneurs Maaike Steinbach, General Manager for Hong Kong and Macau, Visa Benedicte Nolens, Co-chair WiFA, Head, BIS Innovation Hub, Hong Long Centre
Event Details When: October 5 Time: 1-2pm Format: https://www.womentors.co/event-details/womenomics-the-advancement-of-economics |
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The Art of Persuasion Webinar Series Coming Soon: October/November |
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The Art of Persuasion Webinar Series, 2021 Edition Coming Soon Continuing last year’s success, the WiFA Networking committee is pleased to announce the line-up for the 2021 Edition of The Art of Persuasion series of events focused on PERSUASION, the art of connecting with others through communication to lead to better understanding and positive change. It is often described as the ‘art’ of persuasion because it does not follow a formula, it must be practiced in the moment. Understanding more about this can not only help you learn to influence others, but it can also help you to influence yourself to make the changes you want. For our first event, Difficult Conversations: the Art and Science of Working Together, we will hear from Kern Beare of The Difficult Conversations Project.
For our second event, we will focus on Effective Public Speaking, led by Marc Lebane, lecturer at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
And our third event will dive into the secrets to the success of TED talks. which is hosted by Treena Nairne, head of curation for TEDxTinHauWomen.
Stay tuned for details on these October and November events. |
| Earlier this year, we honoured and celebrated the amazing women who work in our financial services community through the WiFA 2021 Spotlight Interview Series. Now, WiFA would like to shine a spotlight on our male allies during the month of September & October. WiFA’s goal with the male ally series is to share stories on how the men we work with support and uplift female colleagues to build a more inclusive and efficient workplace.
Please reach out to Bonnie Ohri at bonnie.ohri@wifasia.org to nominate a male ally that you feel has provided exceptional support to a woman in finance. |
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Understanding Menopause and Andropause: August 25 |
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The 2021 International Women’s Day theme asked us to ‘#choosetochallenge’, and we said YES. WiFA responded to this call to action by organising a virtual discussion to challenge the taboo subject of menopause.
In an informative and engaging session entitled ‘Understanding Menopause and Andropause’, featuring Dr. Laurena Law and Colin Symmonds, and moderated by Jennifer Hsieh, more than 70 participants joined in a lively discussion on many aspects of menopause and andropause.
Over the course of an hour, Dr. Laurena and Colin deconstructed and demystified for us the often repeated but not well-understood concepts of ‘menopause’, ‘peri-menopause’, and ‘andropause’.
Many key insights were shared, including:
· Menopause and andropause refer to stages of hormonal change that lead to changes in our bodies, BUT to focus on ‘hormones’ exclusively would miss the forest for the trees · Interventions such hormone replacements and supplements can be helpful, but to focus on these without living a healthy lifestyle would be like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic · Some lifestyle habits to consider: o Resistance / weight bearing exercises for bone health o Eating a variety of whole foods, in particular vegetables, is good in so many ways: for gut health; to keep inflammation in check; for heart health; for proper weight management o Stress management – meditation; slowing down when needed o Moderate alcohol consumption o No smoking · Become aware of what’s going in our bodies and talk about it – to break the taboo, to get support
We sincerely thank Dr. Laurena Law (of Ananta Wellbeing) and Colin Symmonds (of Joint Dynamics) for taking the time to help us better arm ourselves with information with which to do our own research, have the necessary conversations with our doctors, and decide the best course forward for ourselves.
WiFA intends to continue to #choosetochallenge by organising more events and programs on this topic, so stay tuned for more ways to learn and get involved! |
Special thanks to our challenge sponsors who joined us on this panel:
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Sweat for a Cause : Fundraiser for "Women for Afghan Women" Emergency Relief: September 29 |
Gear up for an upbeat cardio party where you will move & sweat to amazing beats with an energetic hype team for an urgent cause. All proceeds will go to Women for Afghan Women to support their on-the-ground emergency services and to ensure safety of its staff and Afghan women and their families. This event is organized by Women In Law HK and produced by FLYE Fitness.
WHEN:Wednesday, September 29 from 7 – 9 pm. Registration at the venue opens at 6:40pm. The event will start promptly at 7pm.
WHERE:Lambda Lounge, 108 Hollywood Rd, Sheung Wan. The in-person event spots are limited to comply with Covid restrictions (first come, first serve). ACT FAST! Virtual real-time live stream event available to anyone. A link will be sent to ticket holders 24 hours before the event.
AUDIENCE: In-person event is female-only. Virtual event is open to anyone.
Registration links:
| WE (Women in ETFs) has many exciting events to wrap up the year. Here is a quick recap of our FREE events. Sign up soon and become a member of WE to ensure that our events can remain free due to our sponsors.
Starting in October, we'll be hosting weekly Monday Pilates at 8am HK to give you the energy to start your week.
On Thursday, Oct 21st at 5pm, we'll be hosting an in person and virtual event to teach the basics of investing. Join us afterwards for drinks from 6-8pm.
On Thursday, November 18th from 6:30-8:30pm. Back by popular request, we'll host 2 sessions at 6:30 and 7:30pm at Tamar Park,HK.
On Thursday, December 2nd from 6:30pm-8:30pm at China Club. End the year with some holiday spirit as we discuss our plan for 2022. |
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